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Прототип он и в Африке прототип. 917х было аж 8 модификаций выстроено для разных трасс. А начиналось все со скромной 600-сильной "917"
Бери Кобру Дэйтону. Исторический факт - 15 Августа 1965 года. Первая машина, лидировавшая в гонке с прототипами. Боб Бондурент гонщик, гонка в Coppa Di Enna - первый раз за ВСЮ ИСТОРИЮ ГОНОК, ГТ-кар рвал прототипы Феррари Вакареллы просто сливала!
Бобу разбили камнем ветровое стекло, но он не сдавалсо и натянув очки на глаза (через разбитое стекло летело всякое г...но) продолжал давить педальку! И лишь досадный питстоп из-за износа шин лишил его чемпионского титула на Коппа Ди Енна! Он пришел третьим Третьим в оверолле и первым в ГТ-классе.
Вот текст:
Aug. 15, 1965
Even though the Championship was already in the bag, Mann's contract required the team's participation at the last event of the year at Enna, Sicily.
The team endured deliberate and blatant delays in tech inspection that were aimed squarely at Bob Bondurant, the leader of the drivers who had beaten Ferrari in the GT Championship.
Team orders again dictated that Bondurant run second to Sears. Instead of falling back, however, Bondurant drafted the Englishman. Aggrivated by his teammates aggressive driving, Sears purposely kicked up dust and stones in Bondurant's path. When a large stone finally broke the windscreen, Bondurant donned his goggles and went racing.
Bondurant pursued of the leaders and quickly took the overall lead from Vaccarella's Ferrari prototype, the first time a GT car ever held the overall lead against prototypes! Soon after taking the lead, Bondurant made a rare mistake, losing it in a long sweeper. Pointed in the right direction, he would catch the prototypes again and soon regained the lead!
In the end, Bondurant was forced to reduce his pace due to tire wear. He also became the victim of Italian officials who turned a regular pit stop into a nightmare. Bondurant and the team settled for third overall and the GT class victory. Politics may have cost them their last chance for an overall victory, but Bondurant had proved that it was possible.
Изменено: Kokka, 10-01-2006 в 02:34